Salud Mental

Roles and responsibilities of editors

  • Coordinate actions that encourage the achievement of the journal’s objectives.
  • Ensure a high scientific level in the content published.
  • Receive articles submitted for publication and assign co-editors for the academic review process.
  • Ensure the periodicity of the publication of the journal.
  • Review and approve the contents of each issue.

Roles and responsibilities of co-editors

  • Notify authors in the event that the manuscript fails to meet the minimum requirements for scientific publication
  • Assign expert reviewers on the subject for the academic review of the manuscript
  • Maintain communication with the authors about the status of the manuscripts submitted
  • Monitor compliance and implementation of the reviewers’ recommendations
  • Determine the advisability of publishing the materials received, based on expert opinions
  • Ensure timely, periodic publication
  • Identify and propose topics of interest in keeping with the focus and scope of the publication for monothematic issues

Roles and responsibilities of the internal evaluation committee

  • Review manuscripts to evaluate the methodological aspects of scientific reports
  • Implement actions for the scientific dissemination of the publication

Roles and responsibilities of the editorial committee

  • Promote the submission of articles for publication in the journal within the national and international academic community
  • Suggest academic guidelines for the journal’s editorial policy
  • Promote dissemination of the journal in national and international academic media
  • Review articles submitted for publication or recommend experts as reviewers
  • Promote the continuity of themes
  • Maintain and increase the academic value of the publication
  • Suggest actions to raise the journal’s profile to the editorial team
  • Undertake actions for the scientific dissemination of the journal

Roles and responsibilities of the scientific community

  • Promote the presentation of works for publication in the journal among the national and international academic community
  • Provide scientific support for the publication
  • Participate in decision-making regarding the focus and scope of the journal
  • Undertake actions for the scientific dissemination of the publication