Salud Mental

Epidemiological description of suicide mortality in the state of Yucatan between 2013 and 2016


Davinia Velázquez-Vázquez
Arsenio Rosado-Franco
Danielina Herrera-Pacheco
Esteban Aguilar-Vargas
Nina Méndez-Domínguez


Introduction. Every region in the world has an epidemiological trend of death by suicide that is particular and dependent on its sociodemographic and cultural aspects. Knowing the epidemiological characteristics of people who have died by suicide in the state of Yucatan is important for understanding the phenomenon and planning future preventive strategies.

Objective. To describe the epidemiological characteristics of suicide mortality between 2013 and 2016.

Method. Observational, descriptive study, retrospective longitudinal section, in which the epidemiological trends of mortality are analyzed.

Results. In the period studied, Yucatan was among the states with the highest mortality rate due to suicide. Hanging was the most frequent method, followed by the use of agrochemicals. Together, these methods were employed by nearly 95% of those who died. Agrochemical use was associated with a greater likelihood of receiving medical care before death compared with other methods, particularly hanging (24.5 to 1.00).

Discussion and conclusion. In this study, sociodemographic differences and factors associated with suicide were observed. Suicide methods are consistent with those observed nationwide and in countries with poverty and agricultural societies. Preventive measures to address this problem in the state could incorporate the epidemiological characteristics of the population with suicidal tendencies in Yucatan. Suicide in the state of Yucatan is an ongoing public health problem, which showed an annual increase in the period studied and a significant predominance in the month of May.
Suicide, mortality, risk factors, cause of death, Yucatan, epidemiology


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