Salud Mental

Psychosocial reintegration process in patients who receive maintenance treatment with methadone: A qualitative analysis


David Bruno Diaz Negrete
Marina Velázquez Altamirano
José Luis Benítez Villa
María del Carmen Fernández Cáceres


Introduction. The evaluation of methadone maintenance programs reports generally positive outcomes. 

Objective. To explore the psychosocial factors that contribute to achieve treatment goals even when patients live in conditions of precariousness and exclusion.

Method. Qualitative study of multiple cases, with a sample of 12 interviews with patients participating in a maintenance and detoxification program with methadone; a thematic and discursive-narrative analysis was undertaken.

Results. We identified the predominance of a typical discursive scheme composed of clearly differentiated narrative segments: previous conditions, establishment of a relationship with the therapeutic system, process of adjustment as a part of treatment and social reintegration. Two main themes were also identified: addiction and dealing with substances, and the problem of normative integration; there was also an experience of acceptance and recognition that constitutes a central factor for treatment.

Discussion and conclusion. These findings are discussed in light of the disaffiliated conditions of people using injected heroin and the need to consider psychosocial and normative adjustment as a relevant factor for treatment and social reintegration, which leads to the suggestion to include psychotherapeutic interventions to accompany and reinforce the process.

Social reintegration, social stigma, heroin dependence, methadone, qualitative research.


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