Salud Mental

Association between Burnout Syndrome and medical training by specialty in first-year residents


José Manuel Rosas-Navarro
Sergio Armando Covarrubias-Castillo
José Carlos Villalobos-Lizardi
Daniel Alejandro Muñoz-Chacón
Rogelio Bazúa O’Connor


Introduction. Burnout syndrome (BOS) comprises emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment in those affected. Instruments such as the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) can help to identify those affected. Physicians in training have been described as an at-risk group for this syndrome.

Objective. Describe the association between BOS and medical training by specialty in first-year residents.

Method. This is a cross-sectional analytical study of specialty residents at the Hospital Civil de Guadalajara. Sociodemographic data were obtained and the MBI was administered to identify BOS. Samples were compared, and a comparative analysis performed to identify factors associated with BOS.

Results. Eighty-eight residents were included, with 21.6% (n = 19) presenting BOS, 53.4% displaying emotional exhaustion (n = 47), 53.7% showing depersonalization (n = 47), and 39.8% reduced personal accomplishment (n = 35). Presenting BOS was not associated with sociodemographic characteristics or type of specialty. Work hours (ro = .229, p = .032), and a higher number of on-call hours/week (ro = .34, p = .001) were associated with higher BOS.

Discussion and conclusion. The prevalence of BOS was lower than expected. Over half scored for emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, which could be explained by a self-reporting bias. There was no association between the group/type of specialty and BOS. This study creates new knowledge that works as an institutional situational diagnosis, helps to determine the scope of the problem, and encourages to consider the contributing factors to its origin and maintenance.
Keywords, Burnout, medical residency, mental health, medicine


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