Salud Mental

Self-efficacy and well-being of youth during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia


Tience Debora Valentina
Firmanto Adi Nurcahyo
Dewi Puri Astiti


Introduction. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the well-being of young people has attracted the concerned of many parties. Self-efficacy, an individual’s belief to cope with various situations, is believed to have a relationship with individual’s psychological well-being.

Objective. To explore the relationship between self-efficacy and well-being of young people in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Method. A cross-sectional design with a convenience sample of high schools and universities students in Indonesia. The number of participants were 365 young people aged 15-23 years (M = 18.57; SD = 1.95). They were asked to complete the Self-efficacy Scale and the Flourishing Scale in the form of an online survey.

Results. There is a positive correlation between self-efficacy and well-being (r = .547, p < .01) with the contribution percentage of 33.5%. The two-way ANOVA resulted there was an effect of education level on wellbeing (F = 12.956, p < .05), while there was no gender effect on wellbeing (F = .006, p > .05).

Discussion and conclusion. The findings of this study highlighting the importance of developing self-efficacy in young people in order to promote well-being despite facing a challenging situation.
Self-efficacy, well-being, youth, the COVID-19 pandemic


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