Salud Mental

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Authors’ rights

In accordance with current Copyright legislation, Salud Mental (SM) recognizes and upholds the moral right of the authors, as well as the ownership of the patrimonial right, which will be transferred–on a non-exclusive basis–to the journal to allow its legal dissemination in Open Access.

Authors may make other independent and additional contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the article published in SM (for example, including it in an institutional repository or disseminating it on digital social networks and other paper or electronic media), provided it is clearly and explicitly indicated that the article was first published in Salud Mental (SM).

For all of the above, authors must send an Authorization for publication letter for the first publication, duly filled in and signed by the authors. This form must be submitted in PDF through the OJS platform.


Salud Mental (SM) adheres to the requirements established by Committee of Medical Journal Editors regarding authorship:

  • Only those who have contributed intellectually to the development of the work should appear on the list of authors.
  • Having helped in data collection or having helped with certain techniques are not in themselves sufficient criteria to be listed as an author. In general, to be listed as an author, the following requirements must be met:
    • Have participated in the conception and design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data in the study resulting in the article in question
    • Have participated in the writing of the text and its subsequent revisions
    • Have approved the final version, which will be published
    • Have agreed to accountability regarding all aspects of the study, to answer questions related to the accuracy and integrity of any issue related to it
  • The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all co-authors meet the authorship requirements and agree to be in contact with the corresponding author.
  • Each of the authors must agree that the corresponding author will be solely responsible for the submission of the manuscript to the journal and for communication with the editorial team.
  • By submitting a manuscript, each author implicitly acknowledges that they have had full access to all data in this study and takes full and public responsibility for the integrity and accuracy of the data analysis.
  • Once the article has been submitted, it will not be possible to amend the order and number of authors. All issues related to authorship must therefore be resolved before submitting the manuscript for the first time.
  • In the event of collective authorship, the name of the editors or those responsible for the article will be included
  • The authors will record and declare that they have read and approved the manuscript; and that the requirements for authorship have been met.
  • The journal disclaims any responsibility for possible conflicts arising from the authorship of the works published in it.

See Guidelines for Authors

Guidelines for Authors

Articles must adhere to the editorial guidelines established in the GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS.

Requirements for the submission of originals

  • Documents submitted for publication in Salud Mental (SM) must submit the following complete documentation in its final version through the Open Journal System interface. Applications not submitted by this means will not be accepted:
  • The Authorization for Publication Letter must be filled out and signed with the information of the author(s). In the event of articles with two or more authors, information on each of them must be provided, and the author responsible for the text, as well as the corresponding author, must be identified.
  • Cover letter. The author should describe the strengths of their scientific contribution, highlighting the scope, originality, and importance of their contribution to the field of mental health. This must be uploaded in PDF.
  • Manuscript. The final version of the document must be submitted in WORD format. No changes will be accepted once the process has begun.

Once the application requirements have been met, the text will be submitted to an Editorial Review.